ERMA NEWS (Organisation Changes)
The European Resin Manufacturers Association (ERMA) has appointed:
  • Dr. Jacques Warnon as ERMA Managing Director, effective from January 2nd, 2024. Jacques brings extensive experience, having worked 25 years for AkzoNobel including 10 years as R&D Director in Belgium, and later serving as CEPE's Technical and Regulatory Director for 14 years.
  • Mrs. Charlotte Adkins as ERMA Finance & Secretary Manager. Charlotte is the Financial Controller at Xyntra company in the UK and had a role as Ethical Compliance | ESG | Sustainability & Human Rights Manager at KPMG before joining Xyntra.
ECHA to SME registrants: check your company size                                             (Source: ECHA, September 10/2024) 
If your company is micro, small or medium-sized (SME), check that you have stated your company size correctly in REACH-IT when registering your substance. If the size was declared incorrectly, inform ECHA to avoid an administrative charge. 
If you realise that the company size you declared at the time of your registration was smaller than it actually was, contact Helpdesk.
If ECHA identifies the error during the verification process, you will have to pay an administrative charge of up to EUR 19 900, in addition to the difference to the correct registration fee. 
 Product Category Rules                                                                                            (Source: carbonfootprintitaly.it) 
The Product Category Rules (PCR) are documents that provide rules, requirements and guidelines in order to develop a CFP for a specific product category. They are necessary to ensure uniformity of a methodological approach to the performed studies and to allow comparability between CFP studies related to products of the same category.
This study "PAINTS, VARNISHES AND COATINGS PCR" is a good document for learning more: 
More (see document)
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