The main body of the Association is the General Assembly, consisting of representatives of all ERMA members and associate members.
In the ERMA, Statutes are based on UK association law.
The General Assembly meets as often as the Executive Committee thinks necessary, and at least once a year in October, to decide on the Association’s policy and activities; during the General Assembly, members also approve the annual reports and finances of the previous year.
Each member and associate member has the right to attend the meeting. Members have the right to address the meeting and associate members may do so at the invitation of the Chair. Each member has the right to cast one vote.
The General Assembly is chaired by the Chairman or, in the case of his or her absence, by a Vice-Chair. A draft report of minutes is written by ERMA Director and available in ERMA Website “Members Area" for consultation and comments; The report is then approved formally at the next meeting of the General Assembly.