Product by Technologies & Segments

ERMA Member's Technologies & Product Segments Examples
Additives and modifiers products: 
- Resins that provide long lasting benefits in color cosmetics,
- Latex powders that improve construction adhesives, 
- Rheology modifiers that improve the application characteristics of paint,
- Dispersions that enable reflective coatings for cool roofing products
Adhesives and Sealants: 
These products are used to achieve reliable, long-lasting bonds with a wide range of substrates, including ceramics, metals, glass and filled plastics, without the need for mechanical fastening and clamping.
Binders and Film Formers: 
Resins enable excellent adhesion, durability and protection when used as binders and film formers in paints, coatings, finishes and personal care products.
Elastomer and Plastomers:  
The molecular architecture of these materials offers valuable combinations of performance properties, such as excellent optics, sealing, elasticity, flexibility, water repellency, durability, electrical insulating qualities and much more.
Specialty Polymers and Compounds:  
Specialty polymers of all kinds are widely used in nearly every industry in a variety of materials and applications, including ones with especially demanding requirements. Extremely versatile, polymers’ structures give them unique properties that can be specially formulated and engineered for many specific uses, such as packaging.
Other products: 
A vriety of solutions for the Coatings, Paints and Resins industry with raw materials such as Monomers, specialty Monomers, Cross Linking agents, Corrosion inhibitors. Giving access to a broad variety of different markets & applications.
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